Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hi you guyyyssss!

So much to say. :) This morning we woke up with plans to go get a controller from our friends house (matt bought me harry potter legos for ps3) and we ended up becoming roomies, Its going to be fun. I know know, everyone says thats the worst choice you can make is rooming with your friends, but when times are tight and your all mature you do what you do. I can hear all the parents now, "You should just get your own place, dah dah dah dah dah." I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT! I dont care who you are. Im not looking forward to packing again, but at least I can get out of my parents hair, I know that just what they wanted their stubborn daughter to move back in. I told them we'd be here for a year anyways, and that time has wore out. So thats that. We've been looking for places and nothing is available in this town thats worth living in and then this situation appears, so Matt and I both agreed upon taking it, if its not meant to work out, it wont and we will move on; I just HATE it when people try to tell you what to do. BIGGEST PET PEEVE. So heres some neat pictures I took today while grabbing the controller that took all day to do, :)
love this purse of mine!

Love, LaFever.

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