Friday, January 7, 2011


Things have changed for me. Nearly 22 years of my life now I have lived the way I wanted to live. As of two days ago that has changed. I need and want to live the way God wants me to live. Church has never been a big part of my life, I guess I have always been one to understand things in my own way, such as the bible. When I was younger I did go to church a lot. I did not learn as much as you would have thought, but instead stayed motivated to stay true to myself and God. I was a better person and the most stress free I have ever been. Jesus is not a crutch to get into heaven, paradise, or whatever you believe in after life. He did what he did to give us a chance. I mentally cant go on another day in my life comitting sins and asking forgivness for them knowing the next day Im going to do it again without putting any effort out to avoid them. That means Im not truly asking for forgivness, but rather using Jesus.

Too many people are afraid to live for him because:
Christ is not a fashion, although some people use him as one.
 Because according to be a better Christian that means skipping weekends of drinking too much to stand up. Polluting, pumping, and drowning our bodies with whatever you can get your hands on.
Forgiving that person you despise.
Afraid of the change.

Im going to admit, I am one to have one cup to many. Pump nicotine in my lungs and take away years of my life that God gave me. To hold a grudge that last for years. To curse at the steering wheel because someones grandma isnt in a big hurry.
Im still guilty of this, but Im going to work at it, instead of not putting any effort into avoiding these situations. It will take time and prayers, but one day I will face God and I want to have been the best person I could have been when this happens.

Im not preaching to anyone, but simply stating that it has helped me before and maybe it could help other people. 

Matt and I married under this tree.

Im going to enjoy a glass of wine now instead of the whole bottle and plan our November trip to Cancun (possible.)


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Moving in tomorrow!!! lipstickkkkk

Outfit from today

I love this sweater it was only like 12 dollars at walmart and its so comfortable. Its knitted and it has a hood and a front pocket for stashing stuff, or in this weather, keeping the phalanges warm!

When my husband got home he took me for some chinese food, yummmm buffet nom nom nom! I was so hungry! It was amazing!

After we ate our roomates came over to help us move some stuff and Jodi snatched my phone and started snapping pictures, this would be one. I truly dont remember holding my arms as showed, but I never remember much of anything unfortunatley. Big flaw of mine.

After that we went to the new home and Amie came over to visit, I love this girl, Shes so amazing! She is big into fashion, I cant wait to get her a blog started for when she starts her little clothing deal. I will have a button made for her on my home page so you can check her cute clothes out!!

and this  gal below is roomate Jodi, she is a sweet heart, are friendship is growing stronger more and more everyday. We have alot of the same morals and respects, which is good, we have an understanding that roomates need to have, which is a good start! Plus her sleep pants are awesome.

I am very pleased to say tomorrow we should be fully moved in. I will post pictures of the decorating process of the room over time, its fun to document thing like that.

Well Im off for tonight, we have an early start tomorrow!
Love, LaFever!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Slow day!

Not much to say for today. I organized and cleaned out some stuff so we can pack. I managed to snap a few pictures. Im beginning to stress everytime I look at my closet, thats going to be ruff to organize and pack! Remember we have a whole apartment worth of stuff in our room from our previous place!

love, LaFever.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Guess what my amazing husband suprised me with today! A freakin iphone 4, thats right, AMAZING CAMERA! I feel sorry for big mama camera, she never gets put to use anymore over the past month or so, now its going to be WORSE! Heres an example of the amazing-ness.
this is my moms door window, look at the focus on this buddy, not to mention the pixels.

I had to give ole Tucker Roo a bath today! He found some perfume to roll around in and it was RANK! I dont know if the perfume designer was Skunk or maybe Oppossum? Either way he was nassssstyyyy! On the other hand, He cheesed for the picture. Early today he jumped out of the car window and ran around the Jr. High and Apartments for a good 20 minutes while we chased him, guhhhh, hes a drama queen.

The Japanese maple is asleep for the winter :(
its so pretty when its bloomed.

hmmm, random pic of one of my tattoos???

anndddd duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhhhh Our future room

and bathroom

we have moved a little there, still waiting on a few things before we can put everything in the room. Im just proud that all the dogs get along now. Tucker has playmates now!!!

Our CD player in the car is broken, we are getting a new one for christmas, because I MISS belting out to this cd!

the laundry mat in our town is pretty retro-ish

morning make up ewwwwww, I never get up early enough to fix my makeup before taking matt to work. But as previously said, normally I wouldnt upload photos of myself like this, but Im getting comfortable in my own skin, so baahhhhh! lol Im getting used to the odd freckle under my eye, Im beginning to love it!

I cant wait to decorate and shoot awesome "different style" photos in the new room! Plus the house we are moving into has amazing space lighting and floors to do some awesome photos, not to mention the yard is HUGE! The fella and gal that own the house, our pals, and us are going furniture looking this weekend, they are wanting to get a new couch and Matt and I need a new comforter, ours is nice, but old and its makes me gag a little, even when its been washed, to know how long we've had this blanket! Im weird, I know!

Off to play some Harry Potter Legos!
Love LaFever!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hi you guyyyssss!

So much to say. :) This morning we woke up with plans to go get a controller from our friends house (matt bought me harry potter legos for ps3) and we ended up becoming roomies, Its going to be fun. I know know, everyone says thats the worst choice you can make is rooming with your friends, but when times are tight and your all mature you do what you do. I can hear all the parents now, "You should just get your own place, dah dah dah dah dah." I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT! I dont care who you are. Im not looking forward to packing again, but at least I can get out of my parents hair, I know that just what they wanted their stubborn daughter to move back in. I told them we'd be here for a year anyways, and that time has wore out. So thats that. We've been looking for places and nothing is available in this town thats worth living in and then this situation appears, so Matt and I both agreed upon taking it, if its not meant to work out, it wont and we will move on; I just HATE it when people try to tell you what to do. BIGGEST PET PEEVE. So heres some neat pictures I took today while grabbing the controller that took all day to do, :)
love this purse of mine!

Love, LaFever.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I think it needs more googly eyes.

Birthday partied up today. All these kids are getting old!  Today was rainy and coldish, bleck. Im kind of getting sick of it being cold. Let it snow and go is what I say. Heres a photodump for you.

my friends little boy, he turns his body to make the ball go the other way, its so cute!

Savannahs cool birthday cake!

me waiting on donuts.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Late, I know.

Hookah!!! We went to memphis today and bought some new flavors for our hookah! Raspberry and Cola, yummm. I really love coffee and pomegranate, thanks to Mandy ;) I had a blast being silly with my husband and sister-in-law tonight. I also think smoke is pretty, so I hope no one takes these pictures the wrong way because I promise you, I dont do drugs.

Thats all for pictures, Ill post some more tomorrow. I will leave you with a random list about me!

1. I hate grape flavoring

2. I am socially awkward, I absolutley hate talking to people I dont know or barely know, I have nothing to say.

My friends still tell me Im strange. :/

3. I love watching crop dusters, for you guys that AINT from the south or live in a big city, google it, haha!

4. I sing in the shower (it makes me sound even more amazing ;p)

5. My mom was a singer in a band pre-Gayle, with Gayle, and post Gayle untill I was 7 or so.

I beleive thats the reason I have such a deep love for music, Im NOT tone deaf, and I can keep a beat.

6. I was born on Eric Claptons Birthday.

7. Im a penny pincher.

8.I have green and yellow eyes.

9. I have a scottish Aunt, I love her accent!

10.Pee Wee Herman fan.

11. I love riding bicycles, (just not uphill)

12. I have a hot temper, Im quick to put someone in their place who is rude to me or ones I love without thinking about it.

Last Person was in a plane to a woman (I know, bad place huh?)

13. I double cross my legs. I cross them then I keep wrapping my leg around my other one.

14. My Grandpas cousin directed smokey and the bandit and the cannon ball runs. Hal Needham is his name.

15. I have to have a fan blowing when I sleep

16. I learn by doing not watching.

17. I love talking to the elderly, their stories, advice, opinions, I just love them.

18. over edited pictures are a biggest pet peeve of mine.

19. I was born in the 80's

20. kit-kat is my favorite chocolate candy bar, but I loves me some gummy bears
Love, LaFever
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